Noëlla's instructions

Check-in before 4pm on arrival date, check-out before 11am on departure date

While in your guestroom, we kindly ask you to pay attention to the level of noise made, as a courtesy to guests staying in adjoining rooms. During late night and early morning hours, we ask that you move through the guesthouse to/from your room as quietly as possible, especially for those staying in rooms located on the first floor. It is important that this is respected for the comfort of all guests. The guesthouse is a 300 year old family home where tranquillity and calm reigns. Despite the extensive renovation work carried out, soundproofing and insulation remain difficult to maximise, without compromising the authenticity of the place. We ask everyone to ensure that this tranquil ambience is respected so that all guests can enjoy a pleasant stay. This courtesy is asked of all guests, but particularly those accompanied by young children. Please ensure children do not shout in the guestrooms, and do not run, but move calmly through the guest house. If at any moment during your stay you are disturbed by excessive and repeated noise from one of the guestrooms, please contact us on the mobile phone numbers provided (we live on site, however we may not necessarily hear any potential noise disturbances).

Our menu can be found at the reception desk, in each guestroom and also in the veranda.

Purchases are available daily until 9pm.

Our selection of beverages can be ordered from the menu and enjoyed everywhere on the property, along with our gourmet picnic hampers, however no food may be eaten in the guestrooms. You may also drink beverages purchased elsewhere, in one of our many indoor or outdoor dining/lounging spaces.

If you wish to order a picnic hamper for your evening meal, please let us know at the earliest possibility, (by early afternoon at the latest) so we are able to provide you with the freshest bread! If you wish to reserve your basket while out exploring, please don’t hesitate to phone us.

Breakfast is served from 8.30am – 10am

In the veranda (in front of the swimming pool) – If you are in need of a sleep in, arrival to the breakfast room at 10am will still be accepted! For the early birds among our guests, please think of those who may still be sleeping, and pay attention to noise levels when moving down to the breakfast room at 8.30am.

Bedding/sheets will be changed upon request or once per week for longer stays. Bedding will be changed more often should the need arrive (heatwaves etc…)

Please do not hesitate to ask if you would like your towels to be replaced. We ask that you take care not to stain towels by wiping the floor or cleaning shoes etc.

The entrance gates to the property will be closed daily at 10pm, and possibly at other times during the day. The closing times of the entrance gates will be communicated to you upon your arrival at the guesthouse. Should any issues arise, our mobile phone numbers are displayed on the entrance gates.

Sun protection is available for all guests use and can be found at the entrance of the swimming pool.

If returning from the beach, please ensure you shower quickly to rinse off any sand, before entering the swimming pool. Sand can cause damage to the pool pumps.

Our New Zealand inspired outdoor shower ‘Piha’ can be found under the oak trees.

Access to the swimming pool is permitted throughout the whole day and equally throughout the evening, please be mindful of noise should you enjoy a night-time swim!

Young children must be accompanied and supervised by parents/caregivers at all times. All children are the sole responsibility of their parents/caregivers. The pool safety gate must remain closed at all times.

Please leave all poolside areas tidy and organised, and in the same manner you found them (sun loungers put in order, sun umbrellas closed, pool accessories put away etc…)

For your entertainment, racket games are available for playing on the lawn.

For all families with children – while enjoying the pool area, please ensure children are not screaming or shouting excessively, if there are other guests also utilising the pool area. Please use your discretion for this rule if there are only families and children around the pool and no other guests who may feel disturbed.

Upstairs in the common area, a kitchenette is accessible for all guests allowing you to reheat meals or hot drinks, a jug (kettle) for boiling water is also available, along with a small fridge.

You are welcome to enjoy meals (lunch/dinner) anywhere on the property you wish (patio, terrace, poolside, communal lounge, veranda – breakfast room) however food and eating in the guestrooms is not permitted.

Please respect the cleanliness of all spaces and areas on the property.

Network/Login: POUCHOULANE Password: pouchoulane64

If you do not have internet signal in your guestroom, please connect from the lounge areas.

At times, we experience weak and/or low speed internet reception, but this only lasts for a short period of time (dropping in and out may occur). Being situated in a rural area and at the end of the network line, operators are not currently moving to provide us with stronger and more stable internet access despite our persistence in requesting it.

The guest lounge areas are accessible at any time for reading, listening to music or general relaxation (please keep noise to a minimum in communal areas from 10pm onwards).

To help you plan your days of exploring and external activities, there are a large number of guides and information leaflets/books available for you to read. If we can assist you in any way with information, advice, or planning your day, please don’t hesitate to ask us during breakfast, or at any time.

Car parking spaces are available.

Please park correctly within the parking spaces to ensure there is sufficient parking for all guests.

All inside areas of the guesthouse are strictly non-smoking. Ashtrays are available in permitted smoking areas outside on the terrace and near the pool area.

Please do not leave important personal belongings or valuable items in the guest rooms. We at the guesthouse, are not responsible for any loss, damage or theft of any personal belongings.

Please help yourself to tea, herbal tea or coffee; these can be prepared in the breakfast room (veranda) and can be enjoyed in the guest lounges, on the terrace, poolside or in guest rooms at any time of day.

Please return your used cups to the veranda.


la Pouchoulanne